The Next-Gen Model of Monogamy

Welcome to Monogamy Mk2

Belinda Tobin
17 min readApr 2, 2023

Through the previous dozen chapters, I have explored the notion of monogamy from many different perspectives. I have traversed monogamy in the physical, mental, and spiritual realms. I have seen the pressures placed upon it from the partnerships of the past, the practicalities of the present and have gained a glimpse of future possibilities. In my wanders I have witnessed the conflicts between the comfort of a community and the craving for individual creativity. And I have meandered through the mountains of materialism, myth and morality. I never could have imagined how complex the world of monogamy could be. Although some may argue that my incorrigible tendency to overthink has unnecessarily created the overwhelm.

Regardless of whether it is me or monogamy that is to blame for the torturous trip, now, after becoming intimate with each division of this domain, it is time to take a step back and see the estate in its entirety. It is time to integrate my memories of role models’ past with the wisdom of all those I have encountered in writing this book. It is time to condense the complexity into a construct I can use to choose monogamy or reject it. After carefully considering others’ creations, I must now bring to life my model of monogamy and be bold enough to declare what I believe monogamy to be.



Belinda Tobin

Author. Series Executive Producer of the Future Sex Love Art Projekt. Founder of The 3rd-Edge and The Addiction Healing Pathway.